An eye for an eye, that's the least they deserve!

Edward Masen's life was turned upside down by evil and hate but will his quest for vengeance prevent him from accepting peace and love when offered. Can Bella save him from himself or will their love be another casualty of his war with the Volturi? Chicago and New Orleans sets the stage for this classic tale of passion and forgiveness in a world of brutality and murder.

Special thank you to amandac3 who made my banner and all my manips and teasers for this story in addition to being my amazing beta. Love ya girl!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Chapter 23

Edward Masen, Sr. is being played by the always sexy Hugh Jackman
Elizabeth Masen is being played by the amazing Diane Lane
 Claire Masen is being played by Lucy Merriam
Bella's Appetizer Platters
The Usual Suspects (1995)

A boat has been destroyed, criminals are dead, and the key to this mystery lies with the only survivor and his twisted, convoluted story beginning with five career crooks in a seemingly random police lineup.

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